Tulum Beach Boat

Who is author Stephanie Ann Pappas?

Stephanie Ann Pappas, (aka Stefani) is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (PTSD body-oriented trauma resolution), Licensed Massage Therapist in NJ and PA, and Yoga Teacher/Trainer.

She currently has offices in Frenctown, NJ and Washington Crossing, PA, on offers trauma informed online sessions and classes. email stefanipappas@hotmail.com for consult and session information and booking at 908-310-9666

Watch her free youtube yoga, breathing, and somatic meditation videos at Stephanie Ann Pappas Yoga YouTube Channel

She began studying Eastern philosophy at the age of 12. In 1982 she took her bodhisattva vows with the Venerable Dawa Sambo from Tibet, and received various teachings from H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama and other renowned Tibetan Buddhist teachers.

From 1992-2002 she studied intensively with her teacher from Bangalore, India, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and was a teacher for the Art of Living Foundation and Prison SMART Foundation. During this time Stephanie was dedicated to the practice of Hatha Yoga, Sudarshan Kriya, and various yogic meditations which included long silent retreats.

Stephanie is the founder and director of the Devalila Yoga Teacher Training, a registered 200 and 300 hour level trainings with the Yoga Alliance for 25 years. Stephanie has certified over 300 teachers in North America, Mexico, and Europe.

Her first book for yoga teachers, Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting is now available in Spanish. Insights from a Trauma Wise Yogi is her current work in progress, and newest book Yoga At Your Wall is available now for purchase on amazon.com. Stephanie has co-authored 9 other books on yoga.

Stephanie rents her retreat cabin called Casa Pastel in Tulum, Mexico. Casa Pastel rental

Stephanie enjoys dedicating time and money to animal care and rescue. Loves cats and dogs!!!!

108 Questions for Your Body: A Guided Somatic Self-Healing Journal
Reveal * Restore * Reconnect * Remember

click here to purchase NOW on amazon.com

This book is an invitation to reclaim your body as a sanctuary of wisdom. Unearth your strengths, honor your vulnerabilities, and reconnect with agency in your own healing journey. The questions are arranged into 7 sections related to the 7 energy centers of the body (Chakra System).
398 pages provide
plenty of space to write or doodle, and inviting graphics and encouraging tips and prompts.

YOUR JOURNEY BEGINS HERE~within these pages and within your heart.

Stephanie Pappas and Book 2024

May it bring you peace, insights and more self-love!

add book info here to come in 2024...

  © Stephanie Ann Pappas, 2017-2024.